Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Coin Design for International Day of the Markhor

On May 2nd this year, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution, sponsored by Pakistan and eight other countries, proclaiming May 24th as the International Day of the Markhor. It recognizes that preserving the Markhor, which was categorized as “near threatened” in 2014, and its natural habitat is an ecological imperative, given the animal’s role in the overall ecosystem.

Pakistan Post in collaboration with WWF-Pakistan issued stamps showcasing Kashmir Markhor to conserve and protect the Markhor population and their habitats in the country.

In my opinion, the issuance of a commemorative coin would further honor and celebrate this day, encapsulating its importance for present and future generations. A well-designed commemorative coin can capture the essence of the occasion it commemorates. For this particular day, I propose the following design that integrates symbolic elements reflective of its significance.

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